Social Human Rights and D&I
Basic Approach
As part of the Canadian Solar Group, CSAM’s policies on human rights and D&I are consistent with the Group’s approach.
The Canadian Solar Group’s employees are invaluable assets and the key to the Group’s success. Within an open work culture which stimulates creativity in employees, the Canadian Solar Group must endeavor to provide workplaces in which employees can fulfil their potential and must also uphold its responsibility for high standards, providing workplaces in which all employees are treated fairly and properly and are safe.
The Canadian Solar Group pledges to uphold the principles of equal opportunity and will comply with laws, ordinances and regulations on equal employment opportunities for all applicants and employees. The Canadian Solar Group’s policy is to provide equal employment opportunities in connection with decisions on all aspects of employment including but not limited to promotion, recruitment, training, remuneration, allowances, transfer, leave, termination, layoff and employee programs.
In addition, CSAM pledges to provide workplaces which are free from discrimination and harassment based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, creed, religion, age, marital status, country of origin, family status, pregnancy, health status, veteran status, nationality, physical or mental disability or other protected characteristic.
Office-based employees will be allowed to opt for a hybrid working arrangement where time is split between the workplace and home. The adoption of this hybrid working model based on employee feedback and an internal assessment will enable more flexible working styles, leading to improvement in the work-life balance and satisfaction of employees as well as improvement in individual and collective productivity. At the same time, the Group’s employees have the right to take sick leave, annual leave and child care leave at a minimum in accordance with applicable laws, as shown in the Group’s Labor and Human Rights Policy.
Human rights risk management structure
CSAM supports respect for human rights and strives to respect human rights in practice in accordance with documents such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
The Human Rights Policy applies to all officers and employees. CSAM also demands that its business partners support the Human Rights Policy and endeavor to show respect for human rights.
- (1) Prohibition of discrimination
The Group is committed to eradicating any form of discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, physical disability, nationality, and other distinguishing characteristics. - (2) Prohibition of harassment
Canadian Solar does not tolerate any form of harassment, including but not limited to physical or psychological harassment, power harassment, maternity harassment, and paternity harassment. - (3) Prohibition of forced or compulsory labor
The Group does not tolerate any form of forced labor in which persons are coerced to work through the use of violence or intimidation, etc. - (4) Prohibition of child labor
Canadian Solar respects children’s rights and does not tolerate child labor. - (5) Freedom of association and recognition of the right to collective bargaining
Canadian Solar strictly abides by the laws and regulations governing freedom of association and respects its employees’ rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining. - (6) Payment of wages above the minimum wage
Canadian Solar pays wages that are above the minimum wage stipulated by law, and also pays wages which will lead to a higher standard of living, taking inflation into consideration. - (7) Worker health and safety
The Group complies with health and safety laws and regulations and develops healthy and safe working environments. - (8) Reduction of excessive working hours
We comply with labor-management agreements on overtime work (Article 36 Agreements) and other relevant laws and regulations and strives to reduce overtime work and curb excessive working hours.