Environmental Management of Environmental Impact
Management of solar power generation equipment in the disposal stage
If it becomes necessary to dispose of panels at power plants due to breakdown, etc., CSIF and CSAM check whether the industrial waste disposal business operator is licensed and carry out the procedure in accordance with the required waste manifest.
In the EU, the Canadian Solar Group forms partnerships with recycling service providers in accordance with the WEEE (Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment European Directive) and also takes similar action in Australia.
The Group including sponsors also help renewable energy become more widely used by investing in renewable energy out of consideration for the environment.
■ Environmentally friendly development and operation at CS Daisen-cho Power Plant
The district in which CS Daisen-cho Power Plant is located is in close proximity to districts known for their diverse and rich ecological environments with forests, plants and wild birds. The sponsor refrained from using chainsaws when developing the project to avoid damaging the habitat of rare species of indigenous falcons, while painting the fence around the site using camouflage colors.
Mitigation of environmental impact through the manufacture of solar panels(Reference: Canadian Solar Group)
The Canadian Solar Group has been focusing on mitigating environmental impacts by reducing greenhouse gases and industrial water usage, etc. in the process of manufacturing solar panels (2017-2020).