Our Approach to Sustainability Message from Top Management
Canadian Solar Infrastructure Fund, Inc. (“CSIF”) and Canadian Solar Asset Management K.K. (“CSAM”), together with Canadian Solar Projects K.K. (“CSP”), a sponsor for CSIF, aim to contribute to building a sustainable economic society in local regions while paying attention to the global environment and therefore invest mainly in renewable energy power generation facilities and conduct business with a focus on the environmental aspect among ESG considerations.
Recognizing that the realization of a sustainable society is essential for CSIF’s sustainable growth, CSIF believes that contributing to the resolution of social issues through its business is in line with CSIF’s basic policies of “ensuring stable revenue in the medium and long term” and “steady growth of AUM” and will in turn contribute to the enhancement of unitholder value.
Since its foundation, CSIF, together with CSAM, has practiced ESG investing and, in August 2018, CSAM, as a company which adopts this approach to sustainable investing, was the first asset manager of a listed infrastructure fund on the Tokyo Stock Exchange to become a signatory of the United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI). In February 2020, CSAM declared its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and, recognizing that climate change is an important environmental issue with potential risks and opportunities for business operations, discloses information in line with the TCFD recommendations in the areas of governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.
CSIF and CSAM have now selected the most important ESG issues for CSIF (“Materiality” or “Material Issues”) and are implementing initiatives aimed at achieving goals and improving further by setting KPIs and implementing specific measures to address these material issues through future business activities.
CSIF and CSAM will continue actively implementing initiatives based on policies established for each Material Issue and will also work to strengthen communication and collaboration with various stakeholders including investors, employees and local communities through the disclosure of ESG information, aiming for continuous improvement.
Executive Director, Canadian Solar
Infrastructure Fund, Inc.
Representative Director,
Canadian Solar Asset Management
Hiroshi Yanagisawa